Product photography creates a brand and boosts your company’s visibility. It is one of the most powerful advertising tools to attract the target audience, leaving you with more buyers and, ultimately, more profits.

However, starting your professional automated product photography journey may be challenging, especially with no experience. Since you can encounter numerous new technologies, finding the ideal solution may seem like finding a needle in a haystack.

Luckily, we are here to help you discover your ideal product photography tools to elevate your experience and start your automated journey.

In this article
    1. Scalability
    2. Cost
    3. Content Versatility
    4. Consistent Results
    5. Time to Market

Biggest Challenges With Manual Product Photography

As the market grows, you can find numerous new automation tools to help you boost your photography skills. Over the past several years, the manual product photography process has almost devalued due to customers’ numerous challenges and setbacks. Here are some common challenges you can encounter with manual product photography.


Although you can find numerous new tools to create more efficient manual processes, you might need more. As the number of recent products increases and the market asks for more, keeping up with manual editing and shots may seem impossible.

You might need help correctly editing multiple images or completing the given tasks, even if you outsource some processes. If you need high-quality results regardless of the workflow increase, opting for automated solutions and receiving your product images within minutes rather than days might be better.


traditional product photography

Product photography is a form of art. You can’t pay someone a low amount and expect high-quality results. Thus, the traditional product photography method may be too pricey for some. If you opt for manual tools, you will be surprised at the cost of the more efficient, automated equals.

Many other factors influence the cost of this method, such as logistics, integration, time, labor, etc. If you want to try manual product photography solutions, you must be ready to pay. You can check the pricing for product photography here.

Content Versatility

As market demands increase, you might need more than manual product photography solutions to create versatile content. Some may require 360-degree shots, animation, and other complex tasks that require time with manual solutions. Moreover, producing that content is not only time-consuming but also expensive.

However, automated tools can help you create versatile content faster than ever. You don’t have to rely on others to develop unforgettable, creative product photography.

Consistent Results

You can never get two identical, high-quality shots with the traditional approach. Studios, lighting, angles, and cameras constantly change, leading to inconsistent results. Such results may impact your brand as you may not stick to your niche. Although you will receive professional services, you can never rely on consistency and can expect to obtain different results.

As these professionals have to manually apply edits to every image, you may see that not all of them are the same regarding lighting and other crucial elements. Thus, you can turn to automated product photography tools for more consistent results.

Time to Market

As mentioned above, the process of creating high-quality product images is time-consuming. Editors and photographers will spend hours taking care of every detail and making the pictures perfect. Thus, if you want to upload your photos to your ecommerce store as quickly as possible, you might want to avoid the traditional approach.

In today’s world, people want to complete as much as possible in as little time as possible, which isn’t quite the case with product photography. You will have to wait a few days to receive your ideal images.

Automated Product Photography Explained

automated photo technology

Automated product photography integrates advanced systems and hardware, enabling you to take fantastic product images within minutes. These systems rely on various advanced tools to create the perfect product shot.

Most automated product photography systems use advanced equipment enabling you to capture detailed images, even if you have no photography experience. The best part is that such methods are time-efficient; you will get perfect shots within minutes thanks to the advanced technology.

How Automated Photo Technology Works

Automated photo technology provides you with the necessary equipment for the desired results. You will have professional cameras, setups, and software solutions; all you have to do is bring your product to the studio and watch the magic happen.

Most studios have designated spots for products, meaning you won’t have to deal with positioning and the perfect frames. After you position a product, you will scan a barcode, choose a template (after which the system will adapt the lighting), capture the images, and save them to your device.

Thanks to automated photo technology, taking perfect product shots is a breeze.

How Automated Product Photography Helps With All Major Challenges

automated product photography studio

Automated product photography has a better capacity. Thus, it can handle more workflow, unlike the traditional method. These advanced systems will create content within minutes and produce as many images as you need, making them time-efficient and scalable.

When you compare the prices of automated systems and manual solutions, you can see that turning to the first option is much more affordable. Automated photography will be a lifesaver if you have complex requests but don’t want to pay too much.

With such systems, you can expect consistent results since the technology will adapt the lighting and edits according to the product type. Thus, you will always have the same backgrounds, shadows, and highlights in your high-quality images.

Is AI Product Photography the Same as Automated Photography?

Although AI and automated photography solutions integrate advanced technologies, they differ significantly.

Unlike automated photography, AI product photography relies on patterns and can generate new content. Moreover, you can edit your images more efficiently thanks to advanced artificial intelligence systems.

The main difference is that you don’t need a studio or special equipment to generate professional images with AI systems. All you need is a reliable tool like to make your product images come to life.

How to Use AI Product Photography

AI product photography is straightforward to use, even without experience. You first need an excellent AI tool, such as Then, you need a product image you want to edit and adjust. Finally, you can follow these steps to make your pictures come to life:

  • Step 1: Create an account on
  • Step 2: Upload your product image.
  • Step 3: Specify how you want your image to look.
how to use booth ai

After a few seconds, you will have brand-new, ready-for-the-market photos. It’s that simple.

How to Use Automated Product Photography

Automated product photography systems may be more complicated than AI tools. However, they’re still beginner-friendly solutions. You only need to bring your product to a studio, place it in the designated box, and scan the QR code.

After that, you must select the product type so the system can adjust the lighting. Once it finishes, you can start capturing the images. A few moments later, you will receive your photos on your device.

When to Consider Automated Product Photography

If you don’t have the equipment to shoot professional product photos, you can turn to automated product photography for help. You will receive all the necessary equipment to take the perfect shots.

The system will also create the perfect environment for the most detailed images. Thus, if you need high-quality photos, you should opt for automated product photography.

When to Consider AI Product Photography

Once you receive your images or take professional shots, you can use AI product photography solutions to edit the photos and give them a new life.

You will encounter plain, monochrome backgrounds and environments in most automated studios. Luckily, with the help of AI, you can create a new look in the blink of an eye. Thus, AI product photography solutions are ideal for deepening the atmosphere and building a brand.


Product images can elevate your marketing strategy and help you boost your brand. Since numerous options are available, you may wonder which approach would be perfect for your product photography journey.

Automated photography can solve the challenges of the traditional approach. It’s one of the best technologies to help you stand out. However, AI solutions can elevate your images further.

Jeff Johnson
Jeff Johnson Jul 27, 23
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